SALE!! "Ground Theory" (Butterbeer Blonde) BELLE TRESS Luxury Wig

Regular price $ 355.35 Sale price $ 177.68 Save $ 177.67
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According to Google, the Grounded theory involves the collection and analysis of data. The approach is "grounded" in actual data, which means the research and development of ideas happen after you have collected the data.
Our designers at BelleTress collect our share of data to develop the Next Big Thing. Based on collected data, we learned the demands for edgy, but not too far out, contemporary but classic, long but not too long in the back, straight but some curve at the bottom, and the myriads of contradicting concepts in design. Here it is "Ground Theory," the name derived from coffee ground and research method, called, Grounded theory. The style delivers the same standard of a fantastic lace front, silky fiber, fine monofilament, along with the fulfillment of demanded design. Enjoy!

  • Collection: Café Collection
  • Fiber Type: Heat Friendly Synthetic
  • Special Features: Creative Lace Front
  • Cap Size: Average
  • Dimensions: Side: 13.5" | Nape: 4.5" | Back: 10.5" | Overall: 10.5"-13.5"
  • Weight: 5.7 oz
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SALE!! "Ground Theory" (Butterbeer Blonde)  BELLE TRESS Luxury Wig
SALE!! "Ground Theory" (Butterbeer Blonde)  BELLE TRESS Luxury Wig
SALE!! "Ground Theory" (Butterbeer Blonde)  BELLE TRESS Luxury Wig

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